good to see another kakagai shipper! I hope this wasn’t asked before but do you have any special headcanons about gai?




1. The outfit is lightweight, durable, breathable and really comfortable. Gai is politely, quietly, but significantly bemused by how weird people get about it. He thinks they should be standard issue. Nobody has managed to give him a satisfactory reason as to why they are not.

2. People get very weird about being able to see a lot because the suit is very tight. They think Gai is somehow oblivious. He’s not. He just doesn’t care that much. And, really, he knows a man built like himself does not have a lot to be insecure about.

3. He and Kakashi literally live together. None of the kids really notice and the adults have pretty much stopped talking about it. 

4. Gai has a green thumb and he is not afraid to use it. He grows HEALTHY HERBS and VEGETABLES. 

5. He has been thumped over the head by Tsunade at least twice for performing wheelchair races in the hospital corridors. Kakashi is a silent enabler. 

6. When he first meets his team of small children he finds Neji incredibly irritating and it takes a lot of his patience and attention to avoid treating him unfairly. He feels a little guilty about not liking him, honestly, and never really comments on it to his acquaintances. The closest he gets is telling Kakashi (who may or may not be listening, and may or may not actually be sleeping with his eye open) that Lee is determined and Tenten is going to be an amazing kunoichi and Neji is well. Literally. “Neji-kun is… he seems well.” 

7. Gai is physically much stronger than pretty much everybody in Konoha, excepting cheaters like Sakura and Tsunade.

8. Gai has developed a number of strangely specific skills because Kakashi is pants at taking care of himself. Among these: he can hear the squeak of the window of Kakashi’s regular hospital room from clear across the village. He knows. He always knows.

Gai has developed a number of strangely specific skills because Kakashi
is pants at taking care of himself.

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