


My D&D dice bag design, a sleeping dragon on its hoard of golden treasure, is up for voting on fanforge! Please help it get produced by giving it 5 stars and a comment! Click here!

asked me to make a prototype of it, and while I warned them I havenā€™t
made anything functional like a bag before, they want to see what I come
up with anyway. Iā€™m pretty nervous about it, but hopefully it can
become official D&D merch!

Coming very soon! Preorder expected in November! Sign up for their newsletter to get alerted first!

Guess whatā€™s here and available for preorder!


ok so.. apparently thereā€™s a bug going around that it makes you block (or makes it appear that you blocked) your mutuals and that they blocked you in turn. iā€™m just letting you guys know that if it appears that i blocked you, that is 100% not the case and is just tumblr being funky again.

reblogs are ok and appreciated because holy shit this website is a hellhole





my friend Leo is trying to save up enough money for his top surgery and since he doesnā€™t have a tumblr account I decided to make this post for him.

ā€œHi! My name is Leo and Iā€™m FtM transgender. Growing up I always knew something wasnā€™t right and after a long period of trying to ignore the obvious signs, I have finally accepted who I am.I am now 17 and looking to start physically transitioning, starting with top surgery. Top surgery: The removal of the female breast tissue to create a male- appearing chest. The price can vary between Ā£5,000-Ā£10,000 to go privately. I could skip this cost by going along the NHS route but due to long waiting lists for the Gender Identity Clinic and then another long waiting list for hormones and surgery, Itā€™s realistically going to take at least 5 years or more. Realistically due to the strong dysphoria I face, I cannot wait that long. I came out to my parents on the 13th June 2018 and although it could be worse, they donā€™t agree with what I need to do to feel more like myself. Therefore I am currently alone in trying to fundraise and earn all this money. I am saving up a lot of money by myself through my job but It would help me out a lot if you would consider donating. Thank you in advance if you do!ā€

Here is the link to donate

Thank you for your time and please, please reblog this!


okay look guys. Tumblr has killed links. No matter what I tag this with since it has a link connected to it it wonā€™t show up in any of the tags. The only way to spread this is up to you guys, my followers. I have nearly 250 followers so Iā€™m begging all of you, please reblog this. please.




I donā€™t know what it is about Star Wars but even if itā€™s not your biggest fandom, it still has the funniest memes by a long shot I meanĀ ā€œlook at all the fucks i give anakinā€ andĀ ā€œyour poncho is a piece of junkā€ and anakin hates sand itā€™s all just 1000% pure class


And my new favorite: