



This is a way bigger problem than people seem to realize, and sales reps for cable companies will set up an account in a child’s name knowing full well they’re under 18. Just to get a sale.

Every cable company has a fraud department, if this happened to you call customer service for the company your account was opened with and file a complaint. They are required by law to expunge the debt.

I will always reblog this shit when I see it. Why? Because this happened to me when I first moved out on my own and would have ruined my life if I didn’t have supportive friends and roommates with better credit scores. My mom ran up a ton of bills in my name and got a hold of an unused checkbook of mine, writing checks on an account I never touched anymore. I moved out on my own and found I had a credit score in the 300s and tons of debt. I was already homeless at the time; luckily I was moving into an apartment with a friend with a much higher credit score and enough money in savings to cover the subsequent security deposits, trusting me to pay her back since she knew me already and knew I had a job.

How to fix this:

1. Cut that asshole out of your life. You don’t need someone who doesn’t give a shit that they’ve ruined your adult life. If they say they’re sorry, let’s be real – they’re probably not. They’re just fucking sorry they got caught. Fuck them.

2. Pull a yearly credit report (for free at and consider paying out the money to lock down your credit so people need to get approval before opening a new line of credit in your name. 

3. Write the companies for more information on the debt and to dispute it, letting them know that it’s an identity theft issue. If you were underage at the time, they will need some sort of proof but they will have to remove it. Do all of this via Certified Mail with Return Receipt. Keep all documentation including copies of letters, tracking numbers, etc. well organized. I recommend scanning everything as well and saving copies onto some sort of cloud storage just in case anything happens to your physical copies (but definitely keep those physical copies as well, *at least* for eleven years after disputing. Sometimes those debts sneak back on there two or three years later. Sometimes you have to get lawyers involved if any of those companies take you to court. Lawyers will want physical copies of your physical copies if possible.)

4. Report it to the police and FTC (for the Americans in the crowd.) If you’ve moved out of the same county/state that your parent lives in or that you lived in at the time, this may get tricky af. If the local police department is overloaded and understaffed, they’ll try to push you off to another county. Be patient and persistent. File in as many places as you can. Yes, identity theft is a crime. There is a chance that your parent will be arrested, particularly if they have priors. You’ve got to be prepared to do what you have to do. A lot of times it does go unpunished though. I know in my case it did. My mom continues to do this with others in her life. The police have done nothing and she’s not learned her lesson at all. At least my credit score is mostly fixed though. You can access the FTC’s identity theft information here:

5. If you’ve been taken to court on anything, you will need to get a lawyer. If you’re low income, check with the local or state bar association to see what options you have for a free or discounted legal service. If you are a college student, even part time, you may have access to free legal services through your college. If you have to pay to hire an attorney, it is worth the cost to dispute it. Depending on how much debt it is and what state it occurred in, you could be stuck with that for 20 years. There’s also a chance that they can take anything you own (like your car) to cover that debt if you live in the same state. Get it cleared out. You do not want your life to be a total fucking disaster all the way into your late 30s/early 40s. (And trust me – if you don’t get your credit cleared up, it will be. You will be disqualified from certain jobs – even some retail positions! You will struggle to get housing. Everything you do that involves credit will cost more money – turning on electricity, getting an apartment, getting your own cell phone account, buying a car, getting vehicle or renters insurance… 

Until everything is fixed, there is definitely a feeling that the entire world is out to get you and that you will never get caught up. Please stay on top of this and get that shit straightened out. 

I’m not a lawyer so my info only comes from my own personal experience and not any sort of actual training in this. However, if anyone is going through this and ever wants to talk to someone who has been there before, feel free to hit me up. Again, not a lawyer so can’t really give legal advice but am always happy to give support and remind you to drop toxic people from your life, no matter who they are or how they’re related to you.

@deadcatwithaflamethrower signle-boost?

Definitely worthy of the boost.




this is the Bun of Spoons. reblog to share in her magics of abundant spoons.

@deadcatwithaflamethrower, buns *and* spoons!

*cuddles cold spoons and buns even though cold*

(I have been fuckin’ useless-feeling this week and it feels like nothing is getting done and now I’m panicking with a migraine. Nobody likes a deadcat wtih a flamethrower and a migraine accompanied by an aging dose of paranoid guilt.)


Spiteful entertainment: Reading about whiny ignorant fuckheads writing about how since Harry Potter is set in Britain, OBVIOUSLY it’s gonna be all white people because Britain is totally mostly white people!

Uh. No.

This would be Britain’s census data for 1991, tracing the population changes from 1981-1991. I found it in about three seconds of Google Searching, and it would have been available as public material that could be requested at libraries after its publication. There would also have been the 1971-1981 census data, already available.

“Over the fourteen years from 1966 to 1980, the minority ethnic group population more than doubled in size, rising from 886 thousand to reach 2.1 million.”


“Further evidence of underestimation of the minority ethnic group population by the LFS in the 1980s is provided by the Quarterly Labour Force Survey introduced from April 1992  (using an improved sampling methodology), which estimated that minority ethnic groups formed 5.9 percent of the population in 1992.”

Okay. So the racist shitstains are gonna wail that 5.9 percent means that obviously they are TOTALLY RIGHT.


See, based on JKR’s own statements and a lot of math I did last year based on actual reported IRL population numbers, the population density of magical people in Britain should be about 210,000 as of 1991, and an underage population density of 2,940, or the Hogwarts population of 2,058–a reasonable estimate reduction of 30% to allow for Squibs, homeschooling, and those under age 11.

Of course, we don’t see 2,058 students. We’re told Hogwarts supports
about 400 students. JKR only writes a population of less than 100 based on dorm
counts in Harry’s year, which is frankly ludicrous. (EDIT: And that’s the migraine showing. 280, not 100.)

The first conclusion to be drawn from
this: JKR is not capable of basic maths or basic research, and no, she
doesn’t have an excuse for this lapse. She lived near libraries, she
could have put in a bit of effort, and after she got famous she had
these wonderful things called EDITORS, who were off somewhere not doing
their fucking jobs.

So, instead, let’s be population-realistic and say Hogwarts was fully
populated per the actual population numbers the magical community in
Britain would have had in this fictional universe. 2,058 students.

At 5.9% for a miniority population in Britain, this means that 12,390 of the magical population would be composed of people who are not white, placing 174 of them as non-white school-age children. If everyone who was of age was attending Hogwarts, using that same 30% figure, there would be 142 non-white students at Hogwarts.

Set against the rest of the population? No, those numbers aren’t huge…

BUT THAT IS A NOTICABLE POPULATION. Only having a couple of students who are acknowledged not to be white is racist, it is Imperialist, and it is the writing of someone with their fucking blinders on who has no real clue about the diversity they’re living in the middle of. The woman lived/lives in London while writing quite a bit of HP. She was/is surrounded by diversity and still didn’t write it. She set Diagon Alley in London and ignored London’s blatantly obvious diverse population, which has been diverse for a very long time.

JKR has no excuse, and neither do you racist assholes who keep screaming excuses for her.

(I won’t excuse Stephen King, either, who really is from a region with a pathetic diversity ratio that just broke 5% non-white in 2010. I love The Stand, it’s a great book, but it’s racist as all fucking shit because he writes a United States that is 99.99999% white, and it’s complete bullshit. Stories he writes set in Maine with that lack of diversity? Sure, because we really don’t fucking have it. Our local schools make JKR’s Hogwarts look extremely diverse. But stories set outside of Maine? Nope, he should have known better, and he should spend his retirement editing his old books to reflect the diversity that existed in the time period those stories are set in. Yes, he really fucking should.)













at what point in history do you think americans stopped having british accents


Actually, Americans still have the original British accent. We kept it over time and Britain didn’t. What we currently coin as a British accent developed in England during the 19th century among the upper class as a symbol of status. Historians often claim that Shakespeare sounds better in an American accent.



I’m too tired for this

Always add in the video that according to linguists, Native southern drawl is a slowed down British.

T’ be or not t’be, y’all.

Fun fact: Same thing happened with the French accent. French Canadians still have the original French accent from the 15th century.

Êt’e ou n’pô zêt’e, vous z’auts.

I’ve been trying to find this post for months. I’m freakishly obsessed with this and want the truth of what early colonists sounded like.

The trouble is America has so many accents, and Britain (especially once you factor in Scotland, Wales and both Northern Ireland and Eire) seems to have even more per square mile than Americans, that I think you need to be more specific about which American accent sounds most like which British accent.


More than likely it’s the dominant Southern drawls that are the closest to being the original English accent from the colonization period (not British, that covers more ground). Mostly because Southerners were the shit-stubborn motherfuckers who tried to hang on to EVERYTHING being like it was in the good old days from fucking Imperial taxes to slavery to segregation and so on. Southerners as a whole do not like change and they will fight you.

But for fun, here’s the island off Virginia with the original Irish accent from the 1700-1800s! (Hear that drawl? That’s why they think the dominant Southern drawls are the English originals because spoken English on the British isles shares that similarity before the Oxford classist accent emerged.)





It’s 7:50 in the morning and I just had to read the words “he climaxed like a hurricane, wet and wild” with my own two eyeballs, and now so do you. Happy Friday 😂

The thing is she knows, she knows her descriptions make me lose my shit laughing and she’s okay with this. She just asks me to help her fix it because she doesnt know how to get over the embrasssment of being vulgar. Which frankly, my time to shine lmao

“Sharron we’ve talked about this.”

“I know, I know, it just seems so crude.”

“…you can type the words “his proud manspire flowed freely like a Grecian fountain” but “cock” is beyond you?“

“You’re putting this on your blog, aren’t you?”

“Consider it recompense for making me read the word "manspire” without warning before 9am in the year of our Lord 2k18.“




Missing Asks!











Okay, maybe not the final answer, but part of the problem! Asks keep getting eaten. Which is a big problem when you’re doing something anon and don’t want to ask the person “did you get it”? 

If the ask contains an ellipsis without a trailing space, it gets eaten. It says delivered, but it goes nowhere.

So “Well… then” will get delivered but “Well…then” won’t!

Hopefully this helps in getting your asks actually delivered.

Post I made for my RP account, but very relevant elsewhere.

After discovering this, I tested it. Five different accounts between two people, anon vs not. No matter what, without fail, if the trailing space was missing, the message was not delivered.

I contacted Tumblr staff. They were already fully aware this was happening, but it is not documented anywhere. Nor do they seem keen on giving their users a warning about it in any fashion.

Help me spread the word because the staff won’t!


Just found out this is a thing :D.. tested it, too.

Might answer some of the questions of why your asks aren’t answered, be aware.

A helpful note for all who send in asks! ^^



What the fried fuck, Tumblr.