Extremely potty-mouthed ask game


I love these ask things so I made my own, the only way I know how – with swearing!

Damn: Would you say you had a happy childhood?

Crap: How do you think the outside world perceives you? Are they right?

Shit: What are you obsessed with right now?

Asshole: Who’s your favourite celebrity?

Bitch: What sorts of people get on your nerves the most?

Bastard: Have you ever had a crush on someone who was really bad for you?

Fuck: What are you like when you’re angry?

Cunt: What’s an unpopular opinion you hold?

Tosser: Do you over analyze things?

Bollocks: Favourite conspiracy theory?

Twat: Would you ever become a politician?

Cock: Do you have a crude sense of humour?

Prick: Do you get defensive when people insult things you love?

Douche: Favourite piece of “so bad it’s good” media?

Motherfucker: Stupidest thing you’ve ever done?

Wanker: Favourite book?

Piss: Do you drink to get drunk?

Bellend: What’s your favourite swear?

PSA about ADHD


✦ADHD is not a personality quirk

– some things that tag along with ADHD are:

        ~sensory processing disorder

        ~executive dysfunction

        ~poor fine motor skills

        ~sensory overloads (that lead to meltdowns)

        ~sensory seeking (self stimming)


        ~moderate to severe memory problems

        ~Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria– is an extreme emotional sensitivity and emotional pain triggered by the perception that one is being rejected, teased, or criticized. The emotional response is complete with suicidal ideation and people suffering from RSD often get misdiagnosed with serious personality disorders. RSD is only seen in people with ADHD and the emotional sensitivity/reaction is much more severe than that of a neurotypical person.

✦Some other “fun” ADHD things! 

          ~inability to regulate emotions

          ~no concept of time

          ~noticeable public stimming (resulting in stares from neurotypicals) 

          ~no impulse control


          ~listen but cannot absorb what is being said 

          ~no volume control 

          ~increased inability to focus when emotional

          ~difficulty stopping a task and transitioning to the next 

          ~social anxiety

          ~higher levels on generalized anxiety

          ~extremely forgetful 

          ~”all or nothing” mentality  

@ neurotypicals- some things to be aware of: 

– you cannot hyperfixate. only people who are neurodivergent can hyperfixate. please don’t use that word when describing your latest obsession 🙂

– please don’t stare at neurodivergent people who are stimming in public

– be respectful of those who actually need fidget toys so they can subtly stim in public 

– if we forget something you tell us it is not because we don’t care, we just have a million other thoughts racing through our mind and no way to filter through them. 

– please be gentle with us. no don’t tip toe around us and treat us like we aren’t human, but be aware that even offhand comments can trigger RSD. no we aren’t being too sensitive, our brains are wired differently than yours



I’m sick to my fucking stomach

The map flag had the same color scheme as the pan flag and now they’re switching to the bi flag

If you see anyone with this flag or any variation


Don’t fucking hesitate to block because pedos are now using this new “flag” and other forms of it

Can I get a signal boost from larger accounts? Start tagging people so this will spread

this is especially important for you kiddos following me, if you see someone with this flag on their blog, DON’T interact with them. don’t even try to pick a fight with them, its not worth risking your safety over. please stay safe..






Books that people read romantically but shouldn’t because they’re missing the point:

  1. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
  2. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
  3. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

That’s your opinion.

there’s nothing romantic about a pedophile rapist, the senseless murder-suicide of teenagers because families can’t get their shit together or the hypocrisy of the roaring 20s



Kisame’s Title, ‘Kaijin’


While it’s normally translated to ‘The Monster of the Mist’, and shares the first kanji (

) with it, Kisame’s title Kaijin is more closely ‘mysterious person’. It relates to something out of the ordinary, particularly things of wonder, strangeness, or suspicion (the Chinese reading of the characters can also mean queer person, but that relates to a whole other set of Kisame headcanons). If he picked it up while still in Kirigakure, I could almost see it starting up among other shinobi mentioning how people he’s assigned on missions with tend to mysteriously disappear.

However, what really interests me is how the same pronunciation can be written with different kanji

灰燼: Ash, embers, complete destruction (the first kanji relates to cremation – interesting due to his many Uchiha connections, particularly that image of him in the middle of a flaming battlefield while his eyes glow red)


海神: Sea god, Poseidon, Neptune