title meme: scattered ashes (from flames smothered too soon)

Kiba was scouring through the bins when he heard the shouts above head. He craned his neck and tried to see what had riled up the locals so much, squinting against the sun.

The smell of old sweat rising from his jersey made him jerk his head, just at the same time someone fell on him

“OI! Look where ya going asshole!”

They felt like some kind of weird lump, all bird-like bones brittles and dry muscles, and probably dead since Kiba couldn’t even hear a faint respiration.

He moved around and tried to put the dead down, swearing all the while, and glaring at Akamaru when the dog decided to lay down instead of helping him.

He finally managed to turn the dead weight on its face to see if Kiba couldn’t recognize him. Which… he certainly seemed familiar, but honestly he couldn’t place the face. However, even with the grim and blood staining the pale skin, he could tell that the kid was…

“Well at least I know how ya attracted the snatch band. Fucking pretty face ya’ve got, would fetch a good price on the market… motHERFUCK-”

Kiba avoided barely the hand stretching towards him and vaulted behind Akamaru, getting his dagger out.

“Call me. Pretty. One more time and I’m going to eat your face Inuzuka.”

Kiba cocked his head to the side, and gave a toothy smile at the other kid, managing to place him finally.

“Well if ya still as bad at fighting as ya were back then, I’ve got nothing to fear Sauce-uke.”

Sasuke made an attempt to get to Kiba, and probably seeing his face to try and strangle him, but he fell short of the movement with a groan.

“Well. D’ya want help princess or nah?”

The glare was more than worth holsting up Sasuke over his shoulder.

“Nah just kidding, my ma would’ve my hide if I let a pretty girl outside with snatches- OW! Fucker”, he said when Sasuke managed to nail his sternum with his elbow.

“…your mom?”

“Nah, she and Han- well. You know how it went. It’s just me and Akamaru now. And you I suppose.”

Sasuke nodded woodenly in his shoulder.

“Naruto… he’s dead you know?”

“Considering he hasn’t yet come in yelling because I kidnapped ya, yeah I figured. Fuck this shit-show, but at least I guess both of us are alive. Gotta count for something.”

He whistled low and Akamaru started leading the way, to their current safe-house.

“……I guess.”

“I mean, it doesn’t get much worse than getting a few bombs dropped over us, and then everyone going crazy.”

“Inuzuka, I swear if you managed to actually curse us-”

@a-nb-u hey have a SasuKiba Post Apo AU

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