Extremely potty-mouthed ask game


I love these ask things so I made my own, the only way I know how – with swearing!

Damn: Would you say you had a happy childhood?

Crap: How do you think the outside world perceives you? Are they right?

Shit: What are you obsessed with right now?

Asshole: Who’s your favourite celebrity?

Bitch: What sorts of people get on your nerves the most?

Bastard: Have you ever had a crush on someone who was really bad for you?

Fuck: What are you like when you’re angry?

Cunt: What’s an unpopular opinion you hold?

Tosser: Do you over analyze things?

Bollocks: Favourite conspiracy theory?

Twat: Would you ever become a politician?

Cock: Do you have a crude sense of humour?

Prick: Do you get defensive when people insult things you love?

Douche: Favourite piece of “so bad it’s good” media?

Motherfucker: Stupidest thing you’ve ever done?

Wanker: Favourite book?

Piss: Do you drink to get drunk?

Bellend: What’s your favourite swear?

dimensions of executive function issues



(different reasons that i might not be able to focus, how to tell them apart, and [maybe] how to solve them. work in progress.)

low energy
– feeling tired and sleepy
– yawning a lot 
– working feels like it takes way too much energy; I’d rather just sleep
– feels effortful even to think
– seek low-mental-effort activities like tumblr
solutions: stimulants (incl. caffeine), listening to energetic music, getting up and going for a 20+ minute walk

lack of self-monitoring
– feel like i’m running on autopilot
– can’t easily recall the last 3 things I did
– get up and walk around a lot; get lost in daydreams and thoughts
– difficulty verbalizing thoughts
– can respond to prompts, but hard to generate new plans/thoughts
– often goes along with low energy
solutions: not getting up and going for a walk, sitting at my desk and listening to happy-energetic music while looking at the task. talking through the problem with someone else – it’ll be hard at first but having to converse will bring my self-monitoring system back online.

– feeling bored, wanting stimulation
– feeling frustrated
– changing sitting position often, feeling uncomfortable, fidgeting a lot
– seek tasty food but almost all food is not tasty enough
solutions: try working with loud energetic music and a fidget toy. if this doesn’t work, go outside and run around for a bit until you’re breathing hard, then try again. let yourself have sugar after the run if you still want it.

compulsion for something else
– pulled towards other, more interesting thoughts/activities
– if i start working, i get sidetracked by the more interesting things without noticing
– easy to enter flow state on other tasks, just not this one
solutions: this one is hard. write down the more exciting thoughts and promise yourself you’ll come back to them? (you may not come back to them.)

task aversion
– feeling stressed when i think about the task
– or, thoughts slip off the task easily (ugh field)
– feeling scared or self-hatey when i think about the task
solutions: try working on the task for just two minutes. if you still hate it / feel scared after two minutes, you can stop. try talking through the task with someone else and figuring out small first actions. try listening to happy-calm-forward-motion music. query your brain about other small things that would make you feel happy to be at your desk (tea? wearing your jacket if it’s cold? moving to a conference room with better lighting?) and if they’re easy, do those, and take the time to appreciate them as you’re doing them. but mostly, talk through the task and get help from others.

Omg “compulsion for something else” gets me every time. Every. Time.

Sometimes when I get the compulsion to do something else, I try to make it research for the task, since usually it’s fanfiction where this hits me. It helps, most of the time lol!





I feel like maybe this might be of interest to some.


Reblogging right now because I’m having a random anxiety attack and figured someone else might need soothing too.

Cheetahs are one of my favorite animals, and they have anxiety too! They get spooked pretty easily and actually are often given therapy dogs in order to help them with their anxiety.

They’re very sweet; they just have big claws and big teeth. They’re really loving when in groups and habitually do social grooming for hours and hours. They’re a lovely animal. :3 To hear them purr is a pure delight.








Reblog to make a white gay big mad

Reblog to make QPOC feel more welcome in their own community

reblog to normalize explicit support and solidarity for qpoc in the lgbt community

I really like the idea of including lgbtqia+ poc in the flag, but I do have a small gripe with the flag.

Now, I’m no authority on this matter so feel free to put me in check if you feel like I’m speaking out of turn, but the black and brown bars always felt tacked on to me. It doesn’t feel inclusive to me so much as it feels like an afterthought, like: “lgbtq+… oh and also poc.” I felt like something more along these lines (see below) could celebrate the poc throughout the community– but again, that’s not really my decision to make. Either way, I support the change, and I think the inclusion is awesome.

Joan you wonderful genius

i’m on board with this one cause it actually looks good



The “I am a piece of shit and nobody will ever love me” factoid is actually a statistical error. You are actually are fantastic and infinitely worthy of people’s company.  That person you used to care about, who taught you to hate yourself by abandoning you, is an outlier and should not have been counted

this is the greatest and most positive use of a meme that i have ever seen.





anyone else remember in highschool being forced to attend a fake drunk driving scene complete with ambulances pulling in and pronouncing your classmate dead and putting him in a body bag and taking him away while his girlfriend sobs and then the subsequent funeral with pamphlets and his girlfriend giving the eulogy or no

no?? what the fuck kind of school did you go to?

an american one

all the notes on this post are either “what the fuck” or “yeah my school did that too lmao”





The worst trick a childhood anxiety disorder pulls is, you spend your early years being applauded for being so much more mature than your peers, because you aren’t disruptive, you don’t want any kind of attention, you don’t express yourself, you keep yourself to yourself – this makes you a pleasure to have in class, etc etc – and you start to believe it’s virtue. But you’re actually way behind your peers in normal social development, and who knows if you can ever catch up.

Never heard a truer thing in my life.

holy shit wait you mean being just morbidly terrified of doing anything wrong ISN’T necessarily the same as being “well behaved?!”

Convenient children =/= healthy children

James Dobson: Be a Man, Shoot a Transgender Woman in the Bathroom




Bill O’Reilly?

since james c dobson wants so much to shoot trans women when they’re just trying to live, i feel that he no longer deserves the privacy of anonymity.




his home address is 1453 Smoochers Cir Colo Springs, CO, 80904

his phone number is 

(719) 531-3343

please make it known to him that domestic terrorism vs lgbtqia people will not be tolerated

I don’t normally condone doxing anyone but this guy is a child abusing scumbag. No mercy for him.

(and before anyone complains that those links are biased, they cite their sources, and it’s not like the freak is secretive about abusing his kids and dog anyway).

James Dobson: Be a Man, Shoot a Transgender Woman in the Bathroom


one of the ways i know this culture has a massive issue with consent

is the sheer amount of people I’ve known that just lie & tell people they’re deathly allergic to foods they dislike

because otherwise people will hound them, mock them, coax them, harass them, try to force them to eat it, or even trick them into eating it, and they will never hear the end of it

your coworkers will bake it into a fucking pie, call it something else, and wait til your birthday, gather everyone and their first cousins to sit around in a circle waiting for you to put a forkful into your mouth and then point rhythmically at you in a chanting, glaring, sweating, unholy circle like SWISS CHARD SWISS CHARD YOU JUST ATE SWISS CHARD HA HA HA SWISS CHARD NOW YOU LIKE SWISS CHARD

Because forcing someone into a situation where they don’t feel safe declining putting something into their body they’d rather not be there is totes 100% wholesome American fun

And this is something so known that it’s infinitely easier to just lie and tell people that you’ll die if you eat that food…which actually doesn’t always stop it from happening





ok kids repeat after me

vinegar and bleach makes chlorine gas, which is highly toxic

ammonia and bleach makes chloramine, which is highly toxic

rubbing alcohol and bleach makes chloroform, which is highly toxic

hydrogen peroxide and vinegar makes peracetic/peroxyacetic acid, which can be highly corrosive

be careful about your cleaning products and dont get yourself injured or potentially killed ok

why it so dangerous to be clean

As someone who’s job is to handle chemicals like this, I need to state that this information is IMPORTANT. Plenty of people have accidentally injured or killed themselves at home because they didn’t know what kind of reaction certain substances have with one another. Play it safe and don’t mix chemicals.

Also don’t use bleach to clean up urine it’ll create chloramine bc of the ammonia in it and you can give yourself chemical pnemonia that way